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Release v. 122

Release Notes

This new version adds the following features:

  1. Improved UI/UX in Ride Search filters
  2. Ride Detail
    1. Hourly label shown on rides that belong to this category
    2. Service area is editable
    3. ⚠️ icon shown next to the Ride ID to indicate ride has complaint(s)
    4. Clicking on ⚠️ icon takes you to the complaints section
    5. Complaints tab is moved to be next to the dispatches table
    6. Improved UI/UX in Dispatches table
    7. Cliking on a dispatch in Dispatches table opens a menu with cancel and dispute options
    8. When using Invite fleet to auction on Round rides you can select trip 1, 2 or both to invite
    9. Non-refundable rides can't reverse or set negative delta
  3. When switching apps the new app will open in a new tab
  4. New Access Control report shows people in charge of Service Areas
  5. New Auction Triage tab helps in determining why a ride/auction is not visible to a fleet
  6. Fleets menu takes you to Supplier Management app

Release v. 120

Release Notes

This new version adds the following features/updates:

  1. Auction setup
  2. Request for additional payment
  3. Fleet search improvements
  4. Driver search by VIN and license plate
  5. Urgent reports show ghost rides

Release v. 119

Release Notes

A redesigned BEAUTIFUL Back Office 🥳

This new version adds the following features/updates:

  1. New Back Office experience with a new design, Elife colors, good-bye Ugly back office
  2. New Complaint module : capture complaints and result whether eLife won or lost

Release v. 118

Release Notes

This new version adds the following features/updates:

  1. Edit customer, you will be able to edit a customer’s details and just hit the Save Customer button in Ride Detail to update the details, this includes:
    • First, middle and last name
    • Salutation
    • Email
    • Phone numbers
    • Phone number order
    • Apps
  2. Download reports as CSV files
  3. Fleet details can be seen through all the 3 tabs in fleet details (Fleet, Drivers and Service Area tabs)